The Lieutenant Governor, Tregenza A. Roach, reminds property owners that the grace period for paying 2023 property taxes has ended. Property owners can start an installment payment plan to address delinquent taxes with a 15% deposit of the total amount due. Properties with installment plans in good standing won’t undergo Final Collection Activity. Property parcels involved in probate should be registered with the Tax Collector’s Office to avoid Final Collection Activity, requiring submission of probate orders signed by the magistrate judge. A property tax auction sale is planned for the St. Thomas – St. John District, with dates and venue to be announced in October. Once the auction list is published, delinquent property owners must pay all taxes, interest, penalties, and fees to avoid inclusion in the auction. Payment plans won’t be allowed for properties on the auction list. Property owners can initiate and manage payment plans online or in person. Paying property taxes does not grant ownership rights. For more information, contact the Tax Collector’s Office at 340-774-2991.